Wednesday, October 12, 2011

JE 20 All It Needs Is A Good Edit

My ass.

I went to class today with two copies of unromantic. in my 3-ring binder.  Armed and ready.  A little embarassed by what I had produced, how little time I had spent.  I read three others plays as they read mine, one girl and I have mutual admiration, by the end of class I wanted to ask for her phone number or something but felt dumb.  It would be nice to have a writing partner or a writing group not made up of dirty old men or aging ladies with dementia.  (No offense, none taken - which I am sure would NOT be the reply).

I left a copy with the professor, rode home in silence reworking the thing in my head.  What I came up with? That I needed to add more stage directions.  I am unsure if the second and fourth scenes work the way I need them too.  I am not sure if any of it works the way I need it too.

But since it is late I think instead of taking another look at the script, I will find something I feel like reading.

Been thinking that I need to read The Great Santini, though not tonight.

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