Friday, September 17, 2010

Waiting for Charlie

Every afternoon Rude and I find ways to entertain ourselves while we wait for Charlie.  We go out at 3:40...he's been getting off the bus at 4:10.  This was one of our pass times.  I also made a video of Rudy singing - though I seem to be doing more of the singing.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Here Comes the Rain Again

Update - more rain...

According to the Weather Channel, the hurricane's center is off the North Carolina coast presently a category 3.  The beater bands are reaching up to the Cape.  What we feel - the rain and the lull.  This morning the ocean was a flat as glass. 

The Rain Started

and stopped.

Hurricane Earl what you gonna do?

When I hear the name Earl - this is what comes to mind:

My Name is Earl

My brain consists pictures nearly exclusively.