Saturday, October 01, 2011

JE 13 In Between

Been taking notes on the book The Anatomy of Story.  Finished reading Writing Down the Bones and looking forward to rereading Bird By Bird.  Anne Lamott speaks to me.  Natalie Goldberg unfortunately does not, at least not nearly as much.  As for Anatomy and John Truby... I feel they are trying to tell me something.  Something important. 

I have always been a good patient.  The doctor tells me to do something, to follow some protocol, I generally listen and follow orders - it's what's best for me, right?  Now I know one must be a self-advocate in order to get the best healthcare, and I am.  I pay attention to what is going on with my body and I am pretty self-aware.  I do my research - a knowledgeable patient is a good patient.

Maybe the same goes for books, specifically books on writing.  To me a book on writing is a gift.  Insight.  A key.  If not a mentor, at least a role model on my nightstand.

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