Wednesday, September 14, 2011

3. Writing Journal...Notes on the Beach

As inspired by Poemcrazy

Today is a poem
Waiting to be written

Silver glints off
Wind brushed seas
White spray over wet jetty rocks

First sunny September day
First Friday since school began

A tattooed man with cigar in hand stands rubbing his love’s ankle as she sits upon the sea wall looking toward the ocean

A family plays at the water’s edge – little girl squeals, mom holds a plastic yellow shovel. Dad nearby, walks out to the rocks.

The flag gently blows toward the sea, white fluffy clouds paint the sky

Gulls nestled into the ruts of the sand

A coast guard helicopter scans the coast

People come and people go

The outline of my shadow sits on the page

Toes buried beneath the cool sand

Waves crash behind me

A grey and white seagull walks close by – close enough to see the human in his eye

People tucked close to the seawall seeking a barrier from earlier wind

Two ladies stand hands on their hips facing one another feet in the water

A good breeze blows the hot off my back

The reflection of me stares back from the rounded end of the beach chair, tan and blue, peace and tranquil

The urge to sink my head into the blanket – squishing the sand beneath

Red isn’t a summer color

Stolen escape

Two bridesmaids walking down the street purple dresses hiked slightly at the waist

Grasshopper on the beach, so near the crash of waves, seeking solace up my leg clinging to my soft cotton dress, green legs bracing fabric trapped between

The cold water leaves my skin, a memory, a splash

Bus 16 dieseling by, middle school drop offs, elementary next, time at beach drawing near, soon – snack and backpacks and how was your day

Before – the Island Queen passing through the Sound – the only keeper of time

Steam Ship Authority – time once again must be counted.

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