Sunday, December 04, 2011

JE 40 Charlie and the Shriners Clowns

It has been a busy weekend.  Met Santa at the dock.  Had an anniversary lunch at the Coonamesset Inn.  Met a couple of clowns - literally.  Nutcracker practice.  Had Charlie's Birthday party.  Contemplated - for a second - attending the town's tree lighting and Christmas stroll but went with the two pass driveby.  More realistic.

And that was just Saturday.

Today was even more Christmas fun.  Brunch at a friends.  Followed by marching in the parade with troop 43.  Charlie pulled the chuck wagon.  And most excitingly - Charlie met up with his clown friend Rollo, the rollerskating Shriner clown, and got his picture taken behind the wheel of the clown car.

What a weekend!

Hmm. Clown school?

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