Hmm. They can be microscopic - but they need to be ten.
1. the lego tree
2. the untruthful beggar and various similarities
3. Rudy with a limp
4. acupuncture
5. planning a party
6. hawk
7. the loiterer in 7-11 and the one dollar pamphlet called the enterprise
8. christmas at highfield
9. ten million text messages
10. cancelled chiropractics
Now choose the one that makes you buzz.
Hmm. Let me see.
Ding. Ding. Ding. The untruthful beggar and various similarities.
List several ways in which it might be turned into a fictional story.
Change the antagonists physical description entirely.
Do the same with certain details.
Bring them back from the dead and relate them to someone else.
Change the setting.
Change the circumstances.
Find the universal truth.
Discover the desire.
Nah - too abstact.
Let's try again. List ten things from the past week.
1. steven king acupuncture experience
2. the lego tree
3. random man at 7-11
4. spy jon
5. alternate writing - texting project to myself, typing above my head
6. hawk
7. wendy/windy and cliff
8. eyes roll back in your head stabbing leg pain
9. meditations
10. a marked absence of yoga
Nope nothing. Maybe two weeks in bed has sucked the creativity right out of me. I will try again later.
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