Thursday, March 08, 2012

The Word I HATE to Say (or Read)

Now, hate is a strong word.  And I realize that HATE makes it even stronger.  But this IS the word that properly describes my feelings toward this one particular word.


It doesn't look French, as it is said - crow shay.

It looks, well, vulgar.  And in my mind, when I read it, it sounds vulgar.  Then it continues to resonate. Crotch it. Crotch it, crotch it, crotch it... Until I wish the word never exsisted.

Now, luckily, coming across this word in print is a rare occurance.  Until recently.  Until Pinterest.  Now there are crotch it pins, and crotch it you-name-it, and - well the list goes on.

Can't we all just - PLEASE - agree to keep our crotch it to ourselves?  My quiet mind thanks you.  In advance. 

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