Thursday, January 19, 2012

Migraine Dilemma

I get migraines 50% of the time.  I don't know when I am going to get a migraine.  When I do get one, it usually lasts three days (although I have had them last only one day and one that stuck around for seven).  It's anyone's guess.  That's what the science of migraines seems to be - a big FAT guessing game.  Try this drug, try that drug, try some more drugs.  Enough!  I am sick of drugs.  And side effects.  And rebound headaches.  Really I am sick of headaches all together.

I gave up my life - for migraines. 

I left my house, my job, and my friends - for migraines.

I gave up chocolate.


When is enough enough?

I'd like my life back.


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