Friday, December 08, 2006

The Helm

"Anyone can be at the helm when the sea is calm."

Calm waters can create confidence in those who may not necessarily be the best behind the helm. It also may create complacency among those who are "the best." The sea is never "safe," to be completely trusted. Trouble may arise at the blink of an eye, separating the best from the rest.

(To continue his metaphor, translate it to apply today, to me, it means:)

Only the strong can withstand adversity. The weak will wither away. It goes along with the cliche, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."

When I arrive at a point in my life, when I believe, I've gotten to my wit's end, that's when a change occurs, either something else goes wrong and I still prevail or the winds change and I begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Either way, I've survived. I'm strong. I need to not forget it. Because when I do, I am reminded again.

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